Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Well-spring of Life

The Book of Proverbs is more than just a collection of witty observations about life. It is a passionate plea to adopt the best path – and that begins at the source. “Above all else,” the teacher says, “guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23. The heart is a deep aquifer from which everything flows, my motives, my speech, my actions, passions and decisions. As these ‘waters’ flow out of my heart they have the potential to aggravate or enrich the people around me.

For a fully embodied wisdom, the teacher urges us in this text to guard my ears, eyes, lips and feet, all of which express externally what the heart devises.
It helps to remember that God is the ultimate fountain of life, Psalm 36:9, the One whose energy and vision gives us purpose, whose love and joy gives zest to our lives. All the gifts and vitality of life overflow and cascade down to us from God. Learning this truth is Wisdom 101 and the first step in guarding our hearts from the seductive impulse towards autonomy.

A community of God’s people living out such a life, become energizing to others. People want to be part of such a community. The joy is contagious. This is what Psalm 87:7 is all about as singers and dancers celebrate Jerusalem, singing “all my fountains are in you!”

God of Wisdom and Joy,
Let the well-spring of my life flow clean, clear and fresh today. Help me to guard the focus of my eyes, the effort of my hands, and the decisions of my heart, so that my character may be above reproach and my way of life may be a helpful resource to others. May your people in this world become such a vibrant fountain of authentic love and joy that those millions of thirsty people will find the waters they are searching for. Amen.

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