Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Anniversary Post

You give us drink from your river of delights.
For You are a fountain of life.
Psalm 36:8-9

Today marks exactly one year since I posted the first of these reflections on the wonder of water.

Three times a week we’ve explored the vast array of Bible stories about water – Noah’s flood, Jonah’s fish, Jesus changing water into wine, Israel crossing the Red Sea and the Jordan, water from rock, from wells, springs, dew, rain and snow. We’ve pondered clouds, rainbows, rivers, oceans, glaciers, waterfalls, drought and sea-storms, water for washing, drinking, irrigating fields. We’ve celebrated God’s magnificent gift of water and considered what our part must be to steward and restore God’s creation.

I hardly imagined a year ago that I could keep this going. But three times each week we found something fresh to investigate. And the automated blog counter says that 19,000 times people have visited the blog over the course of this year. I hope it has inspired you, stimulated your curiosity and sense of wonder and expanded your appreciation and gratitude to the One who created this gift of water and who continues to sustain our wonderful world.

I would love to hear your comments. Please click on the comment button below. If you have difficulty signing in, identify yourself as 'anonymous' and give your name (if you want to) in the text of your comment. Let me know what this blog has meant to you. You can also e-mail me at 'david [at]' - (disguised to avoid nasty automated spammers that crawl the blogosphere).

As I’ve blogged this year, I have also been weaving these blog-posts into a flowing text which I’m getting ready for publication. I hope the book will be ready for Christmas, but can’t make any promise at this time. If you would like an advance announcement of the book, drop me an e-mail note.

In the meantime, please continue reading and enjoying the Wonder of Water and passing it on to others.

The photo above is a view of Georgian Bay where my wife and I camped last week-end. Click here for a more dynamic experience of the wonder of Georgian Bay water.


Photo Credits:
Niagara Falls - Free Photo Downloads
Irish Bridge - Pauline Watson
Georgian Bay - myself


  1. David,
    Congrats on the one year anniversary and the book progress.
    I suspect what you mean by "I hardly imagined...that I'd keep this going" is the daunting challenge of blogging on a regular basis amidst the realities of everyday life. It is a challenge that I have twice embarked and twice failed. Out of this experience I commend you even more.

    Well Done! You've kept the entries interesting and personally challenging, which from my count fulfills all 6 of your stated goals.

    I trust that with the completion of your book it won't spell the completion of this blog.

  2. Having a front row seat to this blogging adventure has been an amazing rewarding experience for me. I have enjoyed watching the excitement you show when you have a new insight on a familiar passage. I also love how you have provided fabulous material to ponder and challenge me personally. I love how you continue to be interested in the natural wonders all around us especially when it comes to water....I've learnt more from your blog about some aspects of water than I ever did at university. I am very keen to see this material morph into a book and I can hardly sit still in my front row seat with excitement in seeing your dream come to fruition.

    With all my love,


  3. Hi David

    19000 independent host visits That is terrific, but no surprise I) like to read your blog


  4. congratulations, david. you write well, and i enjoy your thoughtful reflections.
