Monday, March 28, 2011

A Cup of Cold Water

Today we celebrate – Post #100

Since this Wonder of Water blog launched last July, I’ve been drinking draughts from God’s deep well and trying to make each post a spillway of fresh cold water for you.

So please lift a tall glass with me and repeat these words of Jesus - "If you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, . . . you’ll surely be rewarded.” Matthew 10:42 NLT

That’s one cool promise!

Even the simplest gesture of kindness to the humblest follower of Christ will be rewarded. Jesus is emphatic about this – I tell you the truth, he says, as if to say 'this may be counter-intuitive, but it's true!'

In a world where prestige and social status are respected and rewarded, Jesus announces an inverted social order. Disciples of Jesus may be despised or dismissed in high society, but they are highly-esteemed in God’s view. You may not think so, but this is absolutely true.

Jesus also inverts our notions of hospitality. Sumptuous banquets have their place, but a simple cup of cold water is an unmistakable sign of care and kindness. It is basic humanity. An ancient proverb says, ‘if your enemy is thirsty, give him a drink; surprise him with goodness.” Proverbs 25:21-22.

Jesus said that a reward comes with the giving. He echoed another ancient proverb that says ‘those who refresh others, will themselves be refreshed'. (11:25) 

It’s an axiom of life that there’s a rich reward in simply blessing others, whether it’s sharing hot chocolate in December or iced-tea in July. Acting like God, giver of rain and rivers, when we give water to others, we taste the joy of life, the joy of God, flowing into us, through us, out of us.

But Jesus has even greater rewards in mind - the joy of an eternal kingdom. In his parable of the sheep and goats in Matthew 25, the king says “I was thirsty and you gave me a drink.”   You may not be aware that you are gladdening God’s heart when you say a kind word, or bring an extra coffee for someone in your office, or send an e-mail telling a friend you’re praying for them, but Jesus says he takes your kindness towards others as a kindness directly towards him.

In Ontario, a province whose name means ‘sparkling waters’, we take water for granted. We forget that for millions of people, finding water is the first and last thought of the day - especially for women. In countless communities around the world, water is a scarce and crucial commodity.

Praying for them and providing funds for wells or clean water are practical ways of responding to their plight. Ignoring them is like ignoring Jesus in his thirst.

Eugene Peterson sees the words of Jesus as counsel on how to do simple acts of discipleship. He expresses Jesus’ instructions to his followers this way:
This is a large work I've called you into, but don't be overwhelmed by it. It's best to start small. Give a cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty, for instance. The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true apprentice. You won't lose out on a thing."

‘Start small’, he says. That’s a good place to start today. So – raise your glass – and share it with someone today.

If this refreshes you today, drop me a quick note below and let me know -
or e-mail me at


Photo Sources:
Boy in Blue at Water Pump: World Vision
Guatamalan Children: Planeterra


  1. always refreshed with The Wonder of Water blog & today I raise my little-white-plastic-cup-filled with good Brantford water (a permanent fixture by my bed). Thank you for your wonderful use of words about WATER.

  2. Jennifer,
    You are such an encourager. Thanks

  3. I raise a fresh-water toast to you for your 100th post!
    Awesome accomplishment, David!

  4. Thanks, Kathy,
    Would you like to guest-blog sometime? You're a gret writer!
